Huawei Smart Dongles 03 EU SIM Card
Huawei Smart Dongles 03 EU SIM Card
deri më: 31 Maj 2024, 23:59 LT
Huawei Smart Dongles 03 EU SIM Card
SDongleA-03 Smart Dongle (the "Dongle" for short) is a smart communications expansion
module that works with Huawei inverters to implement wireless communication between
inverters and management systems through the 4G network.
• When multiple inverters are cascaded, only one Dongle or one SmartLogger is allowed
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deri më: 31 Maj 2024, 23:59 LT
Huawei Smart Dongles 03 EU SIM Card
SDongleA-03 Smart Dongle (the "Dongle" for short) is a smart communications expansion
module that works with Huawei inverters to implement wireless communication between
inverters and management systems through the 4G network.
• When multiple inverters are cascaded, only one Dongle or one SmartLogger is allowed
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